A quantum state is a vector whose overall length is of no interest to us ( as long as it's not zero). 量子态是向量,我们并不关心其总长度(只要不是0)。
Semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots ( QDs), showed unique size-dependent optical properties and were of great interest for applications in light-emitting diode ( LED), optoelectronic devices and for biolabeling. 由于半导体纳米晶体,也称量子点(QDs)具有特殊的荧光性能,已被应用于发光二极管、光电子装置,以及生物标识等领域。
Quantum algorithms of prime factors of an integer and data retrieval have aroused great interest in the research of quantum information and quantum computing. 大因数分解和数据检索量子算法的提出带来了量子计算与量子信息的研究高潮。
Quantum dots ( QDs), also called semiconductor nanocrystals are of great interest due to their unique properties and potential applications in many fields. 量子点又称纳米晶,因其独特的性质及在诸多领域的广阔应用前景而成为重点研究对象。
Quantum states in optical fields and their properties have been a topic of great interest in quantum optics and quantum information, moreover constructing new quantum states in optical fields is a hotspot. 在量子光学和量子信息学中,光场量子态及其性质始终是一个备受关注的研究课题,而构建新的光场量子态更是研究的热点。